What we offer on this site - A comprehensive listing of low-cost and low-income spay/neuter clinics and resources in the entire state of Florida. While there are many veterinarians and animal hospitals that do offer discounted or low-cost sterilization services, they usually do so through voucher or referrals that are either sponsored by various welfare groups or are county-subsidized programs. These listings would be voluminous and difficult for you to wade through. Every voucher and/or referral program we know about has been listed. Likewise, only those clinics that present themselves to be truly low-cost in nature are included on these pages.
Our mission - A public service sponsored by CEASE, The Coalition to Educate Alternatives to Senseless Euthanasia, Inc. CEASE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to helping the general public find the most convenient facilities for spaying and neutering their pets or neighborhood strays.
Not a sales pitch - If you are on this site, we are making the assumption that you have already made the decision to spay or neuter your pet or an animal you are caring for. But, if you want to review the reasons in favor of altering your pets, please go to the next page.
How this site is presented - While we have used the various counties as our method to organize this site, please be sure to check your neighboring county for resources that might be a bit more convenient to your home.
We have made every effort to include as much information as possible within the broad ranges of low-cost or low-income services. Pricing for these services have not been quoted beyond a few cases where services are offered for free. Pricing generally changes very quickly and we believe that this area is best left to the responsibility of the facility providing the service.
Disclaimer - All of the information contained on this site is fact-checked on a regular basis. It is believed to be accurate but due to the nature of these organizations, they are constantly refining their terms and their methods. CEASE cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions which might be contained herein. CEASE presents clinics and programs that make low-cost spaying and neutering a priority for the general public but inclusion within this website does not represent an endorsement or acknowledgement of these clinics' abilities or level of care. The viewer needs to avail themselves of normal due diligence regarding all clinics quality of service and professionalism prior to utilizing their services. Please note that the links offered on these pages also does not represent an endorsement or agreement with any of the animal rights philosophies espoused on some of these sites and/or their links. Instead they reflect our concern for animal welfare and our wish to help provide links to spay and neuter information and programs in order to better help the lives of all animals.